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Herbers & Company June 2024 Employee Pulse Survey: The Top Reasons Employees Leave Jobs in Financial Advisory and Tax Practices

In June 2024, Herbers & Company conducted a comprehensive Employee Pulse Survey, shedding light on the key reasons employees in financial advisory and tax practices choose to leave their jobs. The survey, which collected responses from 1,053 employees across various roles within these sectors, revealed significant insights into the factors driving turnover. The results point to four primary reasons: lack of workplace flexibility, poor leadership, dissatisfaction with salary and incentives, and the absence of clear career tracks.

Survey Demographics: A Snapshot of Respondents

The survey respondents represented a broad cross-section of employees within the financial advisory and tax sectors. Notably, 30% of participants were in senior positions, such as senior financial advisors and CPAs, bringing a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of industry demands. Another 31% held professional roles, including CFPs, CFAs, and CPAs, indicating a highly skilled workforce. The remaining respondents included 28% in client service and administrative positions, and 9% in sales and marketing roles. This diverse representation provides a comprehensive view of the factors influencing employee satisfaction and retention across different levels of responsibility and expertise.

The Leading Cause: Lack of Workplace Flexibility (40%)

The survey's most striking finding was that 40% of respondents cited a lack of workplace flexibility as their primary reason for considering or making a job change. In an era where work-life balance has become increasingly important, employees are demanding more control over their work schedules and environments. This is particularly true in the financial advisory and tax industries, where the pressure to meet deadlines and client expectations can be intense.

Workplace flexibility can take many forms, from remote work options and flexible hours to compressed workweeks and the ability to manage one's workload more autonomously. The pandemic accelerated the shift towards flexible work arrangements, and many employees now view these options as non-negotiable. The survey results suggest that firms not offering sufficient flexibility risk losing top talent to competitors who are more accommodating.

Poor Leadership (25%)

The second most common reason employees leave their jobs, according to the survey, is poor leadership, with 25% of respondents identifying it as a significant factor in their decision to seek employment elsewhere. Leadership plays a crucial role in shaping an organization's culture, and ineffective or unsupportive leaders can create an environment where employees feel undervalued, unmotivated, or even mistreated.

In the financial advisory and tax sectors, strong leadership is essential for maintaining morale and guiding teams through client demands. Employees who perceive their leaders as lacking in vision, communication skills, or empathy are more likely to become disengaged and start looking for opportunities where they feel their contributions will be better recognized and supported.

Salary and Incentives (21%)

While workplace flexibility and leadership are critical, compensation remains a key driver of employee satisfaction. According to the survey, 21% of respondents indicated that dissatisfaction with their salary and incentives was a major reason for leaving their jobs. This finding underscores the ongoing importance of competitive pay structures in retaining top talent.

Employees often possess specialized skills and certifications, such as CFP, CFA, and CPA, which are highly valued in the marketplace. If they feel that their compensation doesn’t reflect their level of expertise or the value they bring to the firm, they are likely to explore other opportunities where their financial needs and professional worth are better met. Additionally, incentive structures that do not align with personal or professional goals can also contribute to dissatisfaction, prompting employees to seek employers who offer more attractive or achievable rewards.

Lack of Career Track (14%)

Rounding out the top four reasons for employee turnover is the lack of a clear career track, cited by 14% of respondents. Where professional growth and development are highly valued, employees are particularly sensitive to opportunities (or the lack thereof) for advancement. The absence of a defined career path can lead to frustration, as employees may feel that their future within the organization is uncertain or limited.

For professionals in financial advisory and tax roles, the ability to progress in their careers is not only a matter of personal ambition but also a reflection of their long-term commitment to serving clients. Firms that fail to provide clear and attainable career progression opportunities risk losing employees who are eager to advance their skills and responsibilities. This is especially true for those in senior or professional positions, where career development is often closely tied to job satisfaction.

Implications for Financial Advisory and Tax Practices

The findings from Herbers & Company’s June 2024 Employee Pulse Survey offer valuable insights for firms looking to improve employee retention. The high percentage of employees citing lack of workplace flexibility as a reason for leaving highlights the need for firms to adapt to the evolving expectations of their workforce. Offering flexible work arrangements can no longer be seen as a perk but as a fundamental component of a competitive employment package.

Similarly, the survey underscores the importance of strong, effective leadership in fostering a positive work environment. Firms must invest in leadership development and ensure that current and future leaders at all levels are equipped to support and inspire their teams. Compensation and career development opportunities also remain critical, and firms must regularly evaluate their pay structures and career progression frameworks to ensure they are meeting the needs of their employees.

In an industry where talent is a key differentiator, understanding and addressing the reasons why employees leave can help firms not only retain their top performers but also attract new talent who are looking for a supportive and dynamic work environment.


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